Email Template (For Existing Customers): Why Smart Business Owners Outsource

Looking to connect more with your customers on the services you provide?  We've created some simple email templates that you can download and adjust for your own to help kick-start those conversations. 

In a Client Accounting Services (CAS) survey we did in 2018, we uncovered results that showed successful companies are leveraging the outsourced options to grow their business. Use this email to share some of the results the survey respondents shared, including: 

  • 80% (of survey respondents) say it affords them more time to focus on their business
  • 68% say it makes accounting easier and more efficient
  • 53% say they worry less about mistakes

Ready to download? Look for the three dots:  and click. 

Want all the email templates? 

Grab all of our Email Templates in one zip file here

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