
The Summary

Every business has accounting needs, but not every business needs their own accounting department. That’s why Nimbl was founded: to give small and middle-market companies access to skilled accountants and automation software for greater efficiency and deeper insights into their financial data.

Although Nimbl accountants serve businesses from a broad range of industries, they face the same challenge from client to client: getting them to categorize their credit card or p-card transactions. According to Nimbl’s Director of Operations Christian Tebbs, “It’s difficult to get transaction data from clients, and it’s time consuming because we do it every month.”

Christian’s favorite BILL Spend & Expense feature is the ability to set categories and spending limits on virtual subscription cards. As he explained, “You can create a rule to categorize monthly subscriptions in QuickBooks, but it can change slightly or people won’t remember what it was. Having these recurring transactions come in already categorized saves time for bookkeepers.”

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