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Journey to a Modern Accounting Firm Map

As companion to our webinar series, download this Journey to a Modern Accounting Firm Map which highlights the movements and directions your firm should take as you grow from a solopreneur to a mid-sized firm.  Use this map to help identify and apply strategy to the intention of how you build your team in the future.

Created By Jason Blumer:

Jason Blumer founded Thriveal in 2010 as a way for firm owners to connect. In the ten years that Thriveal has been supporting firm owners, Julie Shipp has become an owner with Jason. Together with their team, they support firms in reaching their goals through live events, a monthly podcast, written content, webinars, coaching, consulting, and more. The heartbeat of Thriveal is the online community where firm owners gather to ask questions and share ideas. Questions about any Thriveal programs can be asked by contacting info@thriveal.com.

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