October 2023: Redesigned Accountant Console

With the ongoing accountant shortage and a growing need to do more with the same (or even fewer) resources, many accounting firms are feeling the squeeze when it comes to attracting fresh talent and new clients. 

At BILL, we’re committed to helping our accounting partners grow and thrive regardless of industry challenges. That’s why we’re excited to announce ‌several exciting updates to the Accountant Console—all made with two main goals in mind:

  1. Increase efficiency by removing tedious work across all the clients you manage. We’ve also made it easier than ever to add BILL Spend & Expense to your service offerings, giving you more visibility and control with centralized, real-time cash outflow management. 

  2. Boost visibility and control over client cash flow with more reporting and insights. Not only can you manage all your clients in the Console, you can also access new reports to help you be an even more informed and valuable advisor. 

While the Accountant Console may look a little different—the navigation, workflows, and features you love are the same. Read on to learn more about the latest changes we’ve made to help you maximize operational efficiency and accelerate your firm’s growth.

Efficiency improvements 

In the fast-paced world of accounting, efficient client management is the key to success. With the redesigned Accountant Console, managing clients and integrating BILL Spend & Expense is easier than ever.

Quickly onboard clients

When adding a client, assign users a role in both BILL Spend & Expense and BILL Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable at the same time. You no longer have to enter that information twice.

Add BILL products at the same time

Add a client to BILL Spend & Expense and BILL Accounts Payable and BILL Accounts Receivable in the same flow. When you select BILL Spend & Expense, you'll find a new screen to enter the primary contact’s information*.

*NOTE: The primary contact you enter will become the main BILL Spend & Expense admin and will need to sign the BILL Divvy Corporate Card application.

Start your BILL Divvy Corporate Card application with ease

Once a client is added, you can go straight into the BILL Divvy Corporate Card application. View application status right from the console.

Tools to for more control and visibility

Our updated Console clients table and actionable client profile are designed to empower you with greater control over cash flow and deeper insights. Offer even more value to your clients.

Improved Console clients table 

Keeping track of your clients takes time and effort. We reorganized the clients table so you can easily find all clients and your most relevant information––all in one place. You'll notice a new search bar and customized columns that help you keep your client list organized. 

We've also updated the product enrollment columns to show if clients have BILL Accounts Payables, BILL Accounts Receivable, or BILL Spend & Expense. You can also view the status of each client’s BILL Divvy Corporate Card application from the client table.

Actionable client profile

When you go to a client from the clients table, you’re taken to the new client profile. This entirely new area provides tabs that give you more visibility into a client and additional controls more accessible than ever.

  • Team: View who has an assigned role for any given client. Assign new users to a client or edit or remove access to existing users. 

  • Products: You can now access BILL Accounts Payable, BILL Accounts Receivable, and BILL Spend & Expense accounts from the client profile. You can also add these products to a client from this tab and check the status of their BILL Divvy Corporate Card application. If a client has BILL Spend & Expense enabled, you can now easily view their credit limit and balance.

  • Client information: View contact and other essential information from this tab. 

Even more exciting updates are coming in the near future! Soon, you’ll be able to spot missing bills and view future bill predictions with our new Bill Reminders report powered by machine learning. This report will help you increase the accuracy of your books so you have the confidence to be the advisor your clients need. 

Watch our interactive demo to learn more.

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